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PE & Sport Premium

How has the PE and Sport Premium Funding Improved Learning for our Children?

Key achievements to date:

  • ​All staff have received mentoring in teaching PE. Teachers use our purchased scheme to ensure progression across year groups.
  • Broad and balanced extra-curricular sports provided across the key stages.
  • Children in Reception, Year 3/4 and year 5/6 participated in Balanceability or Bikeability.
  • Close link forged with the Sports Science Department at Coventry University.
  • Close link with Fillongley Cricket Club.
  • Outdoor gym installed to provide further opportunities to stay active.
  • Children participated in Dance show in collaboration with EmBody Dance.
  • Strong links with EliteSport at local sports centre.
  • Some of our pupils have been trained as Play Leaders to support activities at lunchtimes.
  • A variety of after-school clubs are offered to provide a wider experience for our pupils and to support them in keeping active.

Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:

  • ​Increase the confidence of TA’s and lunchtime staff
  • Replace damaged/ worn equipment
  • Monitoring of lessons
  • Increase the daily activity of children through new school initiative FitinFifteen.

Intended Spend & Impact Report