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Reception - Rabbits

Welcome to Rabbit class page. Reception marks most children’s very first step into formal schooling and this can be an exciting and nerve-wracking time for children and parents alike! Here at Arley we offer children a supportive and nurturing environment to take these first giant leaps.

The Reception EYFS team consists of:
Mrs Garvin (Class Teacher),
Mrs Ward (Teaching Assistant)
and Miss Moore

Reception is a busy place where children spend their days exploring, discovering, and learning lots of new skills through a child led curriculum within the three areas of our classroom (2 indoor areas and 1 outdoor classroom).

Children in Reception follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum. This is the same curriculum your child will have followed at their pre-school or nursery. The curriculum is separated into seven areas of learning.

These are:
Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional, Physical Development, Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design.

Whilst the seven areas are separate, many are interwoven when it comes to teaching, for example, communication and language development can take place in every area.
Please take a moment to explore our class page and allow us to show you all the amazing things that we can do!