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Year 1 - Butterfly

Hello and welcome to Year 1 - Butterfly

Hi, I am Mrs Orton and I am going to be your child’s new class teacher. Alongside myself, your child will be working with Miss Cunningham & Mrs Straker who are our class teaching assistants.

Your child will be based in Butterfly classroom. I am looking forward to getting to know you and working together so that we have a very exciting and productive year. I hope that your child enjoys the new challenges and approaches to learning that Year 1 has to offer!

Year 1 is your child’s first step into the main part of the school. They will be taught to become more independent both socially and academically.

We begin with a play-based approach to lessons, but work towards more formal independent learning as the autumn term progresses. We try to make the transition as smooth as possible so that they don’t even realise it is happening.

Some children may take a little longer to settle than others. Please do not worry as they will settle in their own time and we will give them all the support and encouragement they need.


The children will be doing PE throughout the week. (Days TBC). It is really important that the children have their PE kit in school all the time, as there may be occasions when the children do PE on other days. Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled. We encourage children to practice getting dressed at home to help them get changed quickly in school.

PE Kit: Your child needs:
A white T-shirt
A pair of black jogging bottoms (outside P.E)
A pair of black trainers (outside P.E)


Your child will need a labelled bottle filled with water.


Your child will bring home a reading book and reading diary. We would recommend that you read with your child on a daily basis. When you have read with your child could you please sign their diary in order for them to receive a sticker to go on their bookmark.


We will send spellings home for your child to practice on a weekly basis. Please encourage your child to look, cover and write these words and suggest fun ways to remember them. You could suggest they write the word in a sentence which allows them to put the word into context. The children will complete spelling activities every day in school and work on words of the week.

Many thanks,
Mrs Orton
Welcome to Butterfly Class

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ERIC time - Everyone Reading In Class.